Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Weigh in Wednesdays

This is a misleading post as I am not weighing in today. I know my body well enough to know when I cut calories or up my work out at all my body holds on to water and fat like its going out of style, it takes a good 2-3 weeks to see any results at all. In the first 1-3 weeks, the harder the effort...the more likely I am to see a gain. That. is. so. discouraging!!! So I am holding off on my weigh in. I want to do this as healthily as possible! I'm in it for the long hall. 

I do have a NSV (non scale victory). Those who know me know its not the sweets that get me, its the carbs! I love love carbs.  Yesterday was dinner with the boys at our friends house. I PLANNED on making chicken and salad. However I got busy, work. blah blah I stopped for pizza - which by the way Domino's is having 50% off your whole order when ordering online until 1/19. I bought 4 pizzas (I thought this was a fitness blog?!?) for $20!!...So normally I can eat some pizza!!! Like 1/2 a medium! Yesterday, in the midst of my crazy life...I stayed WELL within my calories! I had a shake for breakfast, quinoa/blueberries for breakfast #2 (I get up at 5am, I need two), salad/home made chili, and apple and peanut butter and for dinner I had ONE PIECE OF PIZZA. One folks...not 5, not 4, not 3....ONE. Yup. Progress not perfection. 

Today was "the challenge" on p90x3 - its 30 mins of push ups/pull ups/ arms are jello. 

Jack was up early *surprise surprise* and joined us...I guess the family that works out together....stays together? I don't know how that phrase goes...

So pick ONE thing you are going to improve on...TODAY- stick with them and then make new ones.  (i'm really talking to myself here) 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Weekend Recap

You're here!!!! Hey I know you want to know about my weekend....

Holy moly was it busy!! I was non stop all weekend. Which USUALLY results in quick/bad food choices. I had a lot of social things this weekend. Did I go over my cals (maybe a little) BUT not by a lot. I prepped, ate and stayed on track. 

Friday night started with CHINESE BUFFET!! It was Mongolian grill and buffet. I hate buffets but their food is amazing and Jude eats free.  I honestly had two servings of a bowl I made myself (see Mongolian grill is the best) of chicken, veggies and a soy sauce dressing, stir fried and yummy. That is IT. *So proud* 

Then it was movie night with my friends (Footloose - I had never seen it, it was good and super cheesy!). I love those nights where you just sit on the couch and be lazy with your friends. I had one glass of wine and 2 servings of sweet potato chips. Not too shabby, was on calories for the day. 

Saturday we went to Amber's to get my "hair did", Jack had a blast hanging out with her boys and my hair looks AMAZING. Thanks Amber! 

Then I went to Lucky bucket brewery with my friends Sarah. We toured the brewery (I would suggest it if you are at all interested). 

Saturday evening I took the boys to the park (it was so nice this weekend!) with Gerogie.

That evening we watched the Pats game with the fam and inlaws. (THEY WON BY THE WAY AND ARE GOING TO THE AFC CHAMPIONSHIP NEXT SUNDAY!!!)  

We made "football food", I didn't eat predinner munchies and had chili (ground turkey), 3 wings (with coconut oil and almond flour) and salad (whoop whoop!!), maybe a few lucky bucket beers but hey :P it was football. 

Sunday I went to a lecture, grocery shopping (spent $200 at Trader Joes, loaded up on the good stuff), took the boys again to the park and then had Ladies night at Kona (actually it was book club but...its ladies night). 

 Kona is where I went over my calories. I had 2 cosmos, sushi and split flat bread with Jammie. But I tracked it ALL. 

All and all I am really proud of myself.  I was HERE....
(in my car) practically all weekend. 

Was I even more busy than usual??  Yep! But I got a run (jog) in and I kept moving forward. My FIRST calorie watching weekend on this journey and I was barely home, eating socially and completely out of the norm and I didnt give up. I tracked it all and now can look back and see if there was any changes I could have made.  

Usually I would get discouraged, know I went over my goal and just stop. But I didn't and I am proud. I feel it...I have the motivation. We will see how as Wednesday is Weight in Wednesday! :) 

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Plan

My current weight loss Plan:

No excuses! I am seriously lacking time in my life. Working full time, 2 boys, seeing my friends, my family...I wake up and do not stop until I go to bed at night.  But I have found ways to fit it in, if you want it bad can do it. 

p90x3 5-6x a week: 
Brian and I have been doing P90x3 (Which we LOVE) for about 2 weeks now. Usually my butt is up at 4:30am to get to the gym by 5:00am. But since doing px903 with Brian we have been getting up at 5:00am to do it.  It is KICKING our butt. Really good work out. 

Day 12 down.  We did a lot of squats. Brian is thrilled, can you tell?

5k training: I started running again 3x a week.  I'm about 1/2 way to running a 5k, but I have 9 weeks to get there!!! (Running the Diva Dash on 3/22/14 with some of my besties!) 

Loseit!: I'm using this app to watch my calorie, carb, protein and fat intake. Taking control of what I eat so I can make changes!! 

Just keep going....Just like getting up at 4:30 or stinks and "how" i do it is I just don't think about it. It is not an option or something I consider...I just do it. But I am a morning person. You know who isnt a morning person, Brian! And HE is doing it. If he can, anyone can! 

There are going to be times where I have a glass of wine with my Mother-in-law (love her!) or sushi with the ladies and that's OK, because its not 90% of my like, 90% of the time I am in this completely...the other 10% of life I will just enjoy!!! 

This is going to be a great year, health wise, spiritually and socially..I can feel it :P

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The first one...ever.

Hey (the 2 1/2 people who are going to read this)! I'm blogging....So...where does one begin?  I don't have a sob story or interesting life. I'm a pretty happy, down to earth, fun, Mom of 2 boys, one great hubs and the BEST friends a girl could ask for (not to mention me inlaw family is amazing) 

I am doing this so I can post shameless gym selfies....


Recipes and good "clean" food I'm learning to make....

And of course the occasional pic of the cutest boys ever. Ok, i'm bias. 

And to tell you all a little about my life...... :)

 I DO want to do this blog because since Jude was 6 weeks old (2 years ago) I have been trying hard with this whole "fitness" thing. I would say, it has stuck.  I work out consistently and I eat "clean" 80-85% of the time (its not going to ever be more than that...I am a working Mom of 2 who lives in 

I've loved the fitness change, honestly. I feel good, I sleep well and I have a good amount of energy.  One thing that has been SERIOUSLY lacking is weight loss. I have lost, maybe 15lbs since having Jude. My body has changed a lot and my clothes fit way different, but that weight hasn't come off...and I know why.  After going to the doctor I realized my body, in 24 hours, at rest only burns 1490 calories.  That means, if I don't work out and I eat ANY amount over 1490 on any given day, I will gain weight.  1490 is a pretty strict diet. I have NOT been doing that. I have been eating clean but I have not been restricting my calories to lose weight consistently. 

SO. Here I am, today... ready to give this my ALL because giving it my 60-70% isn't cutting. I have AMAZING friends and family that I know will support me so this blog is for all that love me and my FB friends :)   I'm not super vain, I am OK with the way I look and happy with my life...I just honestly want to be the best me I can be.  Follow me on the journey!  :)